Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Project 2 - Conception

I've decided to pursue the following idea for my second project:

Create a Series of Cinemagraphs: I made a short series of cinemagraphs least semester based on the concept of Anxiety. I'd like to do a larger series (8 to 10) based on the concept of Choice and some of the various conditions that either affect or are affected by Choice.

As a theme to tie these cinemagraphs together, I've chosen the theme "going to the market."  I'm going to explore the various choices that one might make while engaging in the acting of going to the market.  I'll start with a cinemagraph of making a shopping list and choosing what does or doesn't need to be purchased.  I would like to see if there is a way to photoshop and key 2 stores in proximity to one another to show the choice of where to shop.  The next will be the choice of where to park.  The next will be the choice between the use of shopping cart or hand basket.  The interior cinemagraphs will deal with choice by visual comparison (probably with produce), choice between various styles of the same product (probably the meat counter), choice between a small or a bulk purchase (probably a jar of mayonnaise or a tub), and a comparison of ingredients (probably medicine).  I also would like to include a broad spectrum of choice (standing in front of the wall of magazines or the aisle of cereal).  The last cinemagraph would be choice of express or normal checkout lane.

My two challenges for this assignment will be to secure a location on which to shoot, which may or may not even allow me to complete this project.  My first choice is to shoot at my local Martin's Supermarket.  I'm also considering shooting at the Vitamin Shoppe or FitStop, CVS or Walgreens, or even Walmart.  Most of the shots I've envisioned will allow me to adapt them to the particular store that I am able to secure.  The second is the "green screen adventure" that I am proposing for my second cinemagraph.  I got lucky in my last series of cinemagraphs and was able to composite two videos with a black background and turn that into a single cinemagraph, but a bit more digital trickery/finesse may be required for this one.

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