Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Think Tank

Ideas for projects (just spitting out anything that comes to mind right now):

Design a Font:  I had a project in a previous class to design a partial font set for "hamburgefons" presentation.  I really liked the project and ended up designing a second Font for the project.  I'd like to expand one of the two Fonts (or possibly design a new Font) beyond the "hamburgefons" application and into a fully functional font.  I'm particularly interested in Fonts that fall outside the normal typeset.  For instance, I created a Runic Font and a Greek Font for "hamburgefons" presentation.  I'm also toying around with the idea of creating a Hieroglyphic Font, but the bottom line is that I want to make a fully functional set of fonts that is as true in structure to the original Font as possible, while still making it my own (stylistically).

Design a Magazine:  I really enjoyed my page layout class and the various projects we had created.  I'd like to go beyond the two-page spreads and single advertisements and create my own magazine from cover to cover.  I'm thinking that this idea might be too ambitious, but it's an idea I just had to get out there.

Design a Web-Circular:  I've worked for several retail companies on and off over the last decade and I've had the opportunity to watch the creation and growth of web-based advertisement circulars.  My web-based skills are fairly infantile, but at least creating a flash or other program based web-circular for use on the web would be interesting.

Design a Product Line Design:  I had a product design project in a previous class, but it was a small, three-item design project (I chose to design labels for exotic hot sauces).  I also designed a carrier for my products, but I was thinking about designing an entire line of various products (i.e. - dried peppers, pepper rubs, salsas, etc. for sake of following the hot sauce vein) and maybe some paraphernalia (t-shirts, posters, bumper stickers, etc.).

Design a Design-It-Yourself Instructional Program:  In a previous class, I designed an instructional video for a compound exercise movement.  I'd like to take that idea, but expand the exercise database (one exercise does not a workout make!) and allow the user to create their own customizable workout regiment.  My Macromedia knowledge base is a bit limited, but I'm pretty sure that this would be a doable project.

Create a Series of Cinemagraphs:  I made a short series of cinemagraphs least semester based on the concept of Anxiety.  I'd like to do a larger series (8 to 10) based on the concept of Choice and some of the various conditions that either affect or are affected by Choice.

That's all for now.  I'll be sure to edit this post further...

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